Join some slithery and scaly friends for their favorite stories!
Join us for a special story hour with Reptile Smiles and some of their scaly, slithery friends.
For ages 3 and up. Parents/caregivers MUST accompany children during this program. Registration is not required, but space may be limited.
Questions about this program? Please contact Gaithersburg Library at 240-773-9490.
Library Program Attendance (both virtual and in the branch) is limited to participants within the suggested age range of the program. Adults attending a program intended for children must have an accompanying child.
Accommodation Requests
People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing should request English-language captioning or sign-language interpretation at least five days before the library-sponsored program they plan to attend. Contact the Assistant Facilities and Accessibility Program Manager at 240-777-0002 with all other accommodation requests.
mh 1.1 01/03/2023
AGE GROUP: | Preschool and Kindergarten | Elementary School Age |
TAGS: | STEM | Indoor Program | In Person | Goal 1: Kindergarten Readiness | Friends of the Library |