Drop-in to Tai Chi & Qigong. No experience needed.
Join Ray Lee (Silver Spring Martial Arts Association) for a drop-in Tai Chi, Qigong class.
No experience needed.
Tai Chi improves balance, flexibility, concentration and a general feeling of well-being. The moves are slow and precise with minimal impact. Tai Chi has been thought of as “Moving Meditation”.
The Qigong program is made up of gentle exercises to develop energy, breathing, and flexibility.
Please wear loose fitting clothes and tied athletic shoes or sneakers.
This program is for adults of all ages.
Questions about this program? Contact the White Oak branch Tel# 240-773-9555.
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Accommodation Requests
People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing should request English-language captioning or sign-language interpretation at least five days before the library-sponsored program they plan to attend. Contact the Assistant Facilities and Accessibility Program Manager at 240-777-0002 with all other accommodation requests.
cm 1.1 01/03/2023
AGE GROUP: | Teens | Older Adults | Adult |
EVENT TYPE: | Health and Wellness |
TAGS: | Indoor Program |