A history of the American Chestnut tree and efforts to save it.
Bruce Levine, Interim President and CEO of the American Chestnut Foundation, will present "The Fall and Rise of the American Chestnut," a talk on the history of the American Chestnut tree and efforts to save it. The American Chestnut was once a cornerstone of eastern North America's ecosystem, providing abundant food for wildlife and humans while its rot-resistant wood was widely used in construction. However, chestnut blight nearly wiped out the species, leaving it functionally extinct in the wild. Scientists are now working to restore it with blight-resistant trees. There will be a question-and-answer session following his presentation.
AGE GROUP: | Teens | Older Adults | Adult |
EVENT TYPE: | Lectures and Discussions |
TAGS: | Teens | older adults | Adults |
NOTE: Elevator unavailable due to replacement beginning 1/22/24, for approximately 4 months. Customers can access the lower level (children's room/meeting room) via stairs at the parking lot entrance or via the Massachusetts Avenue entrance.