Did you pick up a Science in the Summer kit? Come discuss your findings with a science teacher!
Were you sorry to miss out on Science in the Summer this year? We're offering a virtual take and make version! Call Germantown, Davis, Aspen Hill, Quince Orchard, Kensington Park, Marilyn Praisner, Maggie Nightingale, Silver Spring, or Rockville to make an appointment to pick up a Science in the Summer kit (while supplies last). Follow this link to complete your experiments at home (help from a grownup is required.) Want to take it to the next level? Sign in to discuss your experimental findings with a science teacher! Science in the Summer is sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline, in partnership with the Franklin Institute.
For security reasons, this program session will be locked 10 minutes after it begins. Please log in promptly.
Join us in Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/93305414079?pwd=VlBMRlFrUjRSQWxZQmxad29tK0pGQT09
Or Dial In: 301 715 8592 Meeting ID: 933 0541 4079 Passcode: 412902
Looking for resources to learn more about science? Take a look at an ebook or audiobook about science using your library card. Don't have a card right now? No worries, try our newly improved Digital Library card https://mcpl.link/DigitalCard and you'll be ready to go in minutes.
By joining this Virtual MCPL program, you agree to abide by our rules of conduct. Library staff has the authority to remove you from this program if we deem your behavior to be inappropriate, to ensure the safety of staff and customers.
Learn about MCPL's Zoom Security Settings
AGE GROUP: | Elementary School Age |
TAGS: | Virtual Program | Learning Level 3 | Learning Level 2 | Learning Level 1 |