Event finished. This event was in the past: 4:30pm on Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Learn to use e-books and stream free movies and TV, ask basic computer questions, or discover highly rated, on-demand classes and useful information.
Get individual help with computer questions and/or accessing a broad selection of valuable resources, like:
Free digital access to newspapers and magazines, like the Washington Post/Wall Street Journal/New York Times, or National Geographic, Rolling Stone, The Atlantic, and more!
Language Learning!
Consumer Reports!
Business, Personal Finance, Investing - including free access to Morningstar and ValueLine!
Career Training and Live Resume Help!
Art/Music Classes!
- For computer or e-book questions, please bring your device and for Kindle users, have your Amazon logon and password.
15-minute, Walk-in appointments. First come, First served.
*Please Note* Librarians cannot assist with:
Fixing physical computer hardware,
Removing malware or scanning for malware,
Downloading apps and software from unknown sources,
Filling out online forms involving personal information.
Accommodation Requests
People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing should request English-language captioning or sign-language interpretation at least five days before the program they plan to attend. Contact the Assistant Facilities and Accessibility Program Manager at 240-777-0002 with all other accommodation requests.