The New Orchestra of Washington invites you to “Colores de Primavera”, a Colors of Spring concert designed for the entire family! Registration required.
This concert is all about welcoming in the light, vibrant colors, warm weather and the good energy of Spring. Starting anew with a refreshing, renewed energy. Celebrating life, brightness, the vibrance of Spring through music!
De Colores Mexican Folk Song
Ragtime Medley Joplin
Humoresque Dvorak
Lyric for Strings Walker
Anitra's Dance Grieg
Playful Pizzicato Britten
Serenade for String “Finale: Tempo di Marcia” Teresa Carreno
Featured artists:
Musicians from the New Orchestra of Washington
Registration Required: Please be aware that registration is done through a third party and you may be asked to share your email address and/or phone number.
Questions about this program? Contact the branch: 240-777-0110
Library Program Attendance (both virtual and in the branch) is limited to participants within the suggested age range of the program. Children attending an MCPL program under the age of 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Adults attending a program intended for children must have an accompanying child.
Accommodation Requests
People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing should request English-language captioning or sign-language interpretation at least five days before the library-sponsored program they plan to attend. Contact the Assistant Facilities and Accessibility Program Manager at 240-777-0002 with all other accommodation requests.
cm 1.1 01/03/2023
AGE GROUP: | Tweens | Teens | Preschool and Kindergarten | Older Adults | Elementary School Age | Adult |
EVENT TYPE: | Performance and Dance |
TAGS: | Indoor Program |